Trigger Point Dry Needling (TDN) is a therapeutic procedure used to treat nerve, muscle, and joint pain, pressure, and discomfort. Similar to acupuncture in practice and tools, dry needling is based on the principles of western medicine (acupuncture is based on eastern medicine principles).
It is called "dry" needling because unlike regenerative therapies like prolotherapy, which use needles to inject a solution like dextrose to stimulate a healing response in the body, the needles used in TDN are used for stimulation, without delivering any solutions or medication into the body.
Pure Health Chiropractic in Northern Kentucky offers dry needling to help ease pain, improve movement and range of motion in the affected area. Dry needling can provide relief from common sports injuries and musculoskeletal problems, including:
As a neuropathic form of treatment, dry needling is non-surgical and produces minimal side effects. Patients may experience temporary discomfort and sensation at the insertion point during the treatment.
The needles are used to stimulate what is known as a local twitch response (LTR) in a designated trigger point in a muscle. The twitch response feels like a mild cramp in a damaged muscle. The needles help to reduce tension and pressure in the muscle, which in turn helps to alleviate pain and restore normal function to the injured muscle.
Chronic back, nerve, and muscle pain is often debilitating, and can significantly compromise overall health and quality of life. For more information on treatment options for spinal conditions and pain, contact Pure Health Chiropractic by calling(859) 647-7730 to schedule a consultation today.
Pure Health Chiropractic
8761 U. S. Highway 42 Union
Suite C, KY 41091