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FAQs About Dry Needling We Normally Hear. Learn More

FAQs About Dry Needling

December 29, 2022

If you are considering dry needling in Union, Northern KY, Dr. Beau Van Wechel of Pure Health Chiropractic and Wellness offers this treatment. If you have questions about what dry needling is and what it is used to treat, you are not alone. It is a relatively recent therapy developed in the last 40 years.

Person getting dry needling

What Is Dry Needling?

Dry needling in Union, Northern KY is an procedure that is used in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal pain conditions. Thin sterile needles are used to penetrate the skin and muscular tissues. It is often used to release myofascial trigger points. Trigger points are areas of soft tissue that are hypersensitive and painful. Beyond pain, they cause weakness and loss of range of motion, making performing the activities of daily life difficult. 

What Types of Dry Needing Are There?

There are basically two types of dry needling, superficial and deep dry needling. Superficial dry needling does not go deeply into the tissue, deep dry needling is required for trigger point treatment. 

Is Dry Needling the Same as Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy that uses needles to help the chi to flow through the invisible meridians in the body. Dry needling is a practice that is accepted by western practitioners and used to release trigger points in the muscle tissue. Both of them have benefits in the treatment of acute and chronic pain. 

Is Dry Needling Painful?

In many cases, you will barely feel the prick of the very thin needle as it goes into your skin. The muscles may twitch a bit but there should not be any pain when the procedure is taking place. 


How Will I Feel After Dry Needling?

Immediately after, you may feel a little bit of soreness in the muscles. Within a few hours or a day or so, you may feel soreness in the muscles that feel like you have had a good workout. You should avoid drinking an excessive amount of alcohol and apply heat if it is sore. You should be able to do all your normal activities immediately.

Dr. Beau Van Wechel of Pure Health Chiropractic and Wellness provides dry needling in Union, Northern KY. If you want to learn more about dry needling and the other treatments that the doctor offers, give our office a call at (859) 647-7730 or message us on our website. We are accepting new patients.

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