Acupuncture is a therapeutic technique derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been practiced for many centuries. Acupuncture is used to alleviate pain and discomfort, as well as treat a variety of conditions. You might find acupuncture treatment helpful if you struggle with tension headaches or migraines, lower back pain, neck pain, arthritis, menstrual cramps, and other conditions.
The doctors and professionals at Pure Health Chiropractic and Wellness are your
Northern Kentucky chiropractors for acupuncture treatment.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is believed to improve energy flow in the body. In Western medicine, acupuncture is believed to boost endorphins, which are naturally produced by the body to relieve pain. Acupuncture works by inserting fine needles into particular points on the body. The acupuncturist will determine where to place the needles based on where you are experiencing pain or discomfort. The needles used for acupuncture are sterile and are typically made from a hypoallergenic metal, such as stainless steel.
The acupuncturist might insert as little as five needles or as many as 20, depending on the type of pain you are experiencing. Once the needles have been inserted at the appropriate points on the body, the acupuncturist might gently twirl the needles. Mild heat is sometimes also applied to the needles. The needles are then left in place for several minutes before being removed. The first time you undergo acupuncture, it might feel a little odd. However, most patients find acupuncture to be painless, particularly after becoming accustomed to it.
Acupuncture can be used to help alleviate pain and reduce the symptoms associated with a variety of medical conditions. Your Northern Kentucky chiropractor and acupuncturist can determine if acupuncture could be an appropriate option for treating whatever type of pain or medical condition you might be experiencing. Acupuncture is often used to treat the following conditions:
Acupuncture can be used to treat a variety of conditions. A chiropractor or acupuncturist can help you decide if acupuncture is the right treatment approach for you. To learn more about what acupuncture can do for you, contact Pure Health Chiropractic and Wellness, your Northern Kentucky chiropractor’s office, at (859) 647-7780.
Pure Health Chiropractic
8761 U. S. Highway 42 Union
Suite C, KY 41091