Are you frustrated because nothing you've tried has helped your neck and back pain? Acupuncture offers a completely drug-free way to reduce your pain naturally.
Union, KY, chiropractor, Dr. Beau Van Wechel, at Pure Health Chiropractic, explains how acupuncture treatments can help relieve your neck and back pain.
Acupuncture is an ancient Asian medical practice that improves your health by eliminating blockages of Qi, the vital life force that flows throughout your body. Placing thin needles in the body at meridians that correspond to the source of pain unclogs blockages, reducing your symptoms. In some cases, the meridians aren't located close to the area where you experience pain.
Acupuncture restores normal blood flow to your injured neck and back, which helps you heal more quickly. Treatments also trigger the production and release of powerful natural chemicals that reduce pain, decrease inflammation and swelling, and stimulate nerves involved in the pain response. Injuries aren't the only cause of neck and back pain. When you're feeling stressed, the muscles in your upper back and neck tend to become tense and painful. Often, the more stressed you are, the worse your pain. Acupuncture treatment helps you relax, decreasing stress and the painful symptoms that often accompany it.
Fear of needles keeps some people from taking advantage of the benefits of acupuncture, but acupuncture needles are nothing like hypodermic or sewing needles. The needles aren't much thicker than a hair and usually don't cause pain when they're inserted into your body. You may feel a tingling or aching sensation that indicates that the treatment is working. Once the needles are in place, they'll remain in your body for about 15 to 30 minutes.
The number of treatments you need will depend on the cause and severity of your neck and back pain. When you visit our Union office, we'll perform a thorough examination and ask you to discuss your symptoms and medical history. In most cases, you'll need to receive two or three treatments per week initially. As your symptoms improve, you'll require fewer treatments.
Are you tired of living with chronic neck and back pain? Schedule an acupuncture appointment at Chiropractic Care Center in Union, KY, by calling (859) 647-7780.
Pure Health Chiropractic
8761 U. S. Highway 42 Union
Suite C, KY 41091