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What Are The Causes Of My Neck and Back Pain

What Causes Neck and Back Pain

August 18, 2022

Life can be a real pain in the neck. This is especially true if you’re suffering from literal back and neck pain. Unfortunately, sore backs, stiff necks, and aching joints, among other things, can have a dramatic impact on your quality of life. And if you’re suffering chronic pain you could quickly find yourself avoiding activities you love. Residents living in or near Union, Northern KY, who are experiencing neck and back pain should visit Pure Health Chiropractic and Wellness to speak with Dr. Beau Van Wechel.

Person with neck pain

Now let’s take a look at some of the common causes of neck and back pain.

Overusing or Over Extending Your Back or Neck

One of the easiest ways to hurt your back or neck is to simply over extend or overuse them. If you’re moving furniture around your home, but don’t use proper lifting techniques (lift with your knees, not your back!), or perhaps move heavy furniture best left to someone else, you could quickly strain the muscles and bones in your back and neck.

Injuries and Falls

If you’ve suffered a hard fall, have been in a car accident, or otherwise have suffered an injury, it could cause neck and back pain. Trauma is a major cause of pains throughout the body. Whiplash from car accidents is an especially painful neck and back experience, but more minor accidents can also cause a lot of suffering.

Have you suffered an accident? Visit Pure Health Chiropractic and Wellness to speak with Dr. Beau Van Wechel about neck and back pain treatment in Union, Northern KY .

Being Overweight

Individuals who are overweight are more prone to back and neck pains. You may also be more inclined to aches in your knees and other joints. Quite simply, the heavier you are, the more strain you put on your back, neck, and joints.

Improper Support in Bed and Elsewhere Too

If your bed is too soft and doesn’t provide a lot of support, it can quickly cause neck and back pain. Likewise, using the wrong pillow can lead to aches, especially in your neck. A bad chair could also cause problems. More supportive mattresses/furniture and using a different pillow may provide more support and thus relief.

Being Out of Shape

If you regularly work out and improve muscle tone, it could reduce back and neck aches. If you’re not getting enough exercise, your muscles typically won’t be as healthy as they could be. Strong muscles can provide more support and also reduce the risk of overexertion.

Residents living in or near Union, Northern KY, who want to treat neck and back should dial (859) 647-7730 to speak with Dr. Beau Van Wechel at Pure Health Chiropractic and Wellness.

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